
"Mrs. Nicole Saved My Son Life"

Nicole Webb has changed my son's and our family life for the better. My son Cristian began working with Mrs. Nicole Webb during his 5th grade academic year 2019-2020. He was placed in a class titled "The Learning Lab" under the direction of Mrs. Webb, and this class saved his behavioral life. My son, Cristian, has several diagnoses along with an IEP under Emotional Disturbance. His elementary school tried to give up on him due to his ongoing behaviors and I was constantly fighting to have his behavior stabilized so that he could be successful.

In one academic school year and a 2020 Pandemic Virtual Summer experience with Nicole, my son had a large turnaround with his behaviors. Cristian has worked with Mrs. Nicole under her role as a director, individually, and with virtual camp experience. Cristian is now able to verbalize his emotions and his impulsive and aggressive behaviors are no longer evident. Mrs. Nicole saved my son's behavioral life and gave him tools to be successful.

My son is now in 6th grade and has flourished on his own with little to no aid. He is able to participate in a General Education Class working in groups with other peers and has not displayed any of the in-class behaviors he previously had. Under the Directive eye of Mrs. Nicole with the interventions and treatment plan, my son has made great strides.

As for me, I participated in a Parent Group led and overseen by Mrs. Nicole where I gained skills and tools to use at home to continue the work with my son. Mrs. Nicole has given me parent support and a space to vent, as having a child with challenging behaviors as a single parent is tough. I am and forever will be grateful to have Mrs. Nicole Webb crossed my son and our family's life path.

-Forever Grateful

"My Son is now thriving"

"My son has struggled all through most of his academics during elementary school. Thankfully, he was placed into a program in a charter school and I have to say it was the best decision I've ever made for my son.

This is where we met Mrs. Webb and her fabulous team. Mrs. Webb is very professional and has such an amazing academic structure in place for the children in the classroom, my son being one of them.

A little background on my son, he has suffered throughout his childhood with developmental delays as well as having some mental health difficulties. This has been a major obstacle to his learning.

As soon as my son started his 5th grade academic school year while working with Mrs. Webb, there was a great amount of improvement in his academics and an increase in his overall participation. From there on out, it was all an uphill climb to numerous accomplishments.

Quickly, he felt as if this school was his 2nd home, all because the staff including Mrs. Webb made him feel safe and comfortable. In previous years, he hated going to school and didn't like a classroom setting, then he completely transformed into a child who was eager to attend school and be part of the classroom and engage with his fellow peers. The students felt heard, understood, comfortable, and safe. My son was even invited to his first birthday party!

Mrs. Webb was not only a major support to the students, but she has also gone above and beyond reaching out to us (the parents) offering help such as check-ins, onsite parent training, mentoring, and consultation. We entered this program at the charter school without knowing what would happen, it truly was a blessing and just what my family needed.

As this year has been one of the most challenging years of his life, it seems that my son has been able to turn around and made huge strides in just one year. He managed to overcome ALL of these obstacles. All thanks to Mrs. Webb and her understanding, empathy, and passion for working with children with special needs.

Mrs. Webb is a great and supportive advocate in my son's life, even after my son transitioned out from elementary; she has been such a positive influence. I still go to Mrs. Webb for guidance, consultation, and advice regarding my son. She has such great knowledge and studies him extensively that when I consult her, she already knows my concerns for him and addresses them immediately.

Just in one year, Mrs. Webb's structure, guidance, leadership, knowledge, teaching, and wisdom has helped shape him into the student he is today. As we are nearing the back-to-in-school setting at our new charter school; his current teachers and staff are so pleased. It's as if he never had challenges nor had any diagnosis of any kind. He's a new person. Everyone praises him and says he's such a devout and great student who's eager to learn. He is now joining a new middle school with a lot of classrooms lined up, is managing to carry A's & B's.

All I have to say is I owe it all to Mrs. Webb, she has extensive knowledge, many years of experience, and expertise in dealing with children with special needs. Mrs. Webb has been a blessing in our lives and the best decision I've made, as a special needs parent, is to have connected with Mrs. Webb. I don't know how my son would be today without Mrs. Webb and her great advocacy. Our relationship has impacted us for the better and made a permanent positive change in our lives."
